Peter Clay's Level 3 Certification Project

6" Black Brant II

 To be flown at XPRS 2005 on an M2400

9/23/05 The Launch was a Success!!



Photo by Rick Clapp

Build Photos
T.A.P. Pre-Flight Data Capture Form
Screen capture of Rocksim file
Rocksim file
The Latest Picture
Launch Photos
Launch Video

A big part of my inspiration to do this project came from one of the most impressive rockets that I have seen yet!!

Wedge Oldham's Black Brant II Page



I Want to thank all the people who have donated parts, time, equipment and advice on this project.

Without your help it could not have happened.

Ken Biba, Mike Brest, John Coker, Jim and Becky Green, Richard Hagen, Tom Rouse, Paul Sutchek, Steve Wigfield,

 and of course my brother Jamie!

You folks are what help to make this hobby so great