CSM (Command Service Module) Lander 

Still a lot of details to add, but it's ready for test flying.  The legs on this "prototype" are fixed.   Between the extra weight from the cluster, central E motor and construction of the custom body tube - fixing them got the rocket ready in time for the upcoming launch. (Mudroc)

I really like this model design and am thinking about up scaling it to be Mercury Joe size.


This view shows the 5 motor cluster.  One central E9 and 4 satellite A10p.

Not sure how well the plastic nozzle will hold up to the heat - but I've done what I can to protect it.  Though you can't easily see it, the A10s tilt away from the main nozzle



Here's the CSM Lander suspended by the recovery shock harness.  The classic elastic Estes shock cord is attached on both sides of the inner body tube to hold the rocket level during decent.



With any luck this should be what it looks like after landing. The 24"  Estes parachute should be ample.

RockSim estimated it will go to 1100'.   I will have a Pico Altimeter on board to see how close that estimate is

More to come...